our story
- Throwin’ it back to 2009 -
The Wilkie’s & Schirmer’s became close friends through soccer because Joel & Tyler (Carson’s brother) were on the same team. Our families got close over those years & the Schirmer’s even watched Buddy (The Wilkie’s dog) for a few weeks while they visited Costa Rica. Carson’s mom also went to Hilary’s baby shower for Sophie (Joel’s little sister) in 2010!
- fast forward to over a decade later -
In March of 2021, Carson was talking to her mom (April) about dating. April brought up Joel Wilkie from the past, how we have the same values, and should reach out to him. At first, Carson was hesitant because she didn’t know if he even remembered her from over 10 years ago, but she started following him on Instagram. One day shortly after, Carson was feeling very bold & decided to message Joel on Instagram & asked if he would like to get a drink sometime. She ran upstairs to her mom yelling, “I just messaged him!! Ahhh!” He replied fairly quickly saying he totally remembered her & he would love to get a drink. Moral of the story is your mom always knows what’s best!
- our first year -
We went on our first date at Guiseppe’s in Pismo Beach then started officially dating in April. Joel got hired by CalFire shortly after & we navigated getting used to that schedule. Six months later, we moved into a house in Morro Bay together. Carson signed the lease without Joel actually seeing it in person because he was on a fire for a month straight. But he came back to a warm, new home together! Within the same month, we got a puppy (Bear) & he’s a sweet, hyper, talkative fella with a fun personality that keeps us entertained.
- since then -
After a few years of loving, laughing, ups, downs, & everything in between, Joel proposed the day after Christmas in 2023. He asked Scott (Carson’s dad) for permission to marry his daughter a few months before that and also got the approval of Carson’s mom, brother, & best friends. He got down on one knee on the bluffs in Shell Beach in front of Carson’s closest friends. She was beyond shocked & had no idea at all. She didn’t even know Joel had bought a ring! Of course it was the easiest yes!
Now that leads us here to planning a wedding & we can’t wait to celebrate our love & new chapter with you!! Thank you to our families & friends for the love & support.